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Cookie Policy

What are cookies?#

TIKAL TECHNOLOGIES SL web page uses cookies, which are small files that it exchanges with the visitor's web browser for different purposes. That is done in a totally "invisible" and harmless way for the visitor, so your visit to the page is more fluid and you are not interrupted by some functions. The following explains which is the usage of cookies in TIKAL TECHNOLOGIES SL website and how you can disable them if you don't agree.

What kind of information do we collect?#

TIKAL TECHNOLOGIES SL web page uses cookies for the following purposes

  • Functional cookies: they are used to improve the visitor's navigation through the website, making it more user-friendly. It is important to understand that cookies do not contain any kind of specific personal information, and most of them are deleted from the hard disk at the end of the browser session.
  • Analytical Cookies: TIKAL TECHNOLOGIES SL website uses cookies from Google Analytics, to analyze how visitors use the page. This way, TIKAL TECHNOLOGIES SL can offer improvements in the usability of the webpage. Google Analytics only collects and processes anonymous data through the TIKAL TECHNOLOGIES SL website. There is further information about the management of Google Analytics' web analysis services at

How are users able to change the cookies configuration in their browsers?#

Any browser allows you to make adjustments on the actions to perform whenever a website asks you to store a cookie. You can:

  • Allow web pages to deposit cookies in the browser.
  • Allow the cookies of the visited web pages only to remain in the browser as long as the page remains open.
  • Do not allow web pages to deposit cookies in the browser. Please note that in this case, some website functions will not be operational or the full page could even not work at all.
  • Allow one by one which web pages will be able to deposit cookies in the browser. Please note that in unauthorized pages some website functions will not be operational or the full page could even not work at all.

The modification of the cookies configuration can be done in the option "Configuration" of the browser, in the "Privacy" section.